Wednesday, April 3, 2019

It is finally Spring!

April 3, 2019

Larry Guidici is a frequent visitor to the tree farm and an avid birder who graciously volunteered to share some of the birds you might see on the tree farm in the spring. 

The bird life at Ueland Tree Farm is busy!
Here are five birds you can regularly see or hear along the roads throughout the UTF this Spring:

Pacific Wren
This tiny wren is responsible for the long lyric song often heard bubbling out of the Sword Ferns, the Salal and Huck’ patches. If you get too close this wren will tell you in no uncertain terms how annoying you are!
SONG LINK HERE, Macaulay Library ML Audio 9682 Troglodytes pacificus [pacificus Group] -- Pacific Wren (pacificus Group); 30 Apr 1959; United States, Washington; ; Allen, Elsa G.;

Spotted Towhee
This time of year the Spotted Towhee likes to sing from a high spot, but not too high.  They also can make a great deal of noise foraging in the dry leaves on the ground.

Pileated Woodpecker
This bird is North America's largest Woodpecker!  Its call is heard throughout the UTF.

Where the Pileated excavates looking for bugs can be seen in many areas.

Click on this link to hear the song of the Pileated Wood pecker. Macaulay Library ML Audio 6785 Dryocopus pileatus -- Pileated Woodpecker; 13 Apr 1969; United States, Florida; ; Heinzmann, George M.

Tree photo; Larry Guidici.

Song Sparrow

One of  the most numerous bird in the UTF.  From the brambles beneath the power lines as we first walk into the woods all the way up to Zach’s Overlook the Song Sparrow can regularly be found.

CALL LINK HERE, Macaulay Library ML Audio 66467 Melospiza melodia -- Song Sparrow; 21 May 1969; Canada, Alberta; song; Gunn, William W. H.;

Common Raven

Big birds with loud voices Ravens are more often heard than seen.  Ravens are a regular part of the bird life in the UTF.

CALL LINK HERE, Macaulay Library ML Audio 66467 Gunn, William W. H.
Common Raven

And one mammal that is regularly heard and sometimes seen in the big woods!
Douglas Squirrel  
This squirrel is native to the Pacific Northwest.  More often heard than seen, the Douglas eats Douglas Fir cones. Sometimes the pile of cone debris can be seen at the base of a tree.  This squirrel’s alarm call sounds a lot like at referee’s 
Click the link to hear it! Macaulay Library ML Audio 207550 Tamiasciurus douglasii -- Douglas's Squirrel; 12 Jun 2009; United States, California; call, emit alarm; Vidoz, Julian Quillen;

As the weather warms up many migrant birds will make The Ueland home for a few weeks.  Their songs and the activity of them raising families are a delightful addition to our walks through the forests!

All of the photos (except where noted.) are provided by Linda Steider.  More of Linda’s photographs can be found here:

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Rescheduled Plant Salvage for March 24, 2019

Hi Folks

The snow is almost gone and the ground is no longer frozen :) so we have rescheduled the annual plant harvest for Sunday March 24th from 9:00 to 3:00.

If you have any questions you can call Mark at (253) 307-5900


Sunday, January 20, 2019

9th Annual Plant Salvage Weekend

Ueland Tree Farm’s 9th Annual Plant Salvage Weekend 

Hi Folks,

Ueland Tree Farm warmly welcomes you to take part in our upcoming annual plant salvage weekend on February 23rd and 24th. 

A wide variety of small native trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants will be available for salvage, including Douglas Fir, Western White Pine, Western Hemlock, Western Red Cedar, Rhododendron, Salal, Huckleberry, Oregon Grape, and Sword Fern. We will once again partner with Kitsap Master Gardeners, who will be on hand to answer questions about transplanting native plants. They will provide advice on how to dig, where to plant and how to improve the survival of salvaged natives.

Ueland Tree Farm will be open Saturday February 23rd and Sunday 24th from 9:00am to 3:00pm. Last year, over 100 vehicles took advantage of this free event. The tree farm is located just northwest of Kitsap Lake (City of Bremerton) at the end of Lebers Lane. A detailed map can be found on our web site,

If you have any questions, please contact Mark Mauren at (253) 307-5900.

Mark and Craig