Sunday, October 4, 2020

Ueland Tree Farm has Reopened

 Hi Folks

We have reopened the tree farm to the public. The rainfall we had over a week ago along with higher humidity's, lower temperatures have reduced the fire danger on the tree farm to an acceptable level. We are thankful and very appreciative of the public respecting the closure and staying away until the fire risk was reduced. 

Friday, September 11, 2020

Ueland Tree Farm Temporarily Closed


Ueland Tree Farm is Temporarily Closed

Due to

Extreme Fire Danger


Due to extreme fire danger, Ueland Tree Farm is reluctantly closing our 2,200 acre tree farm west of Kitsap Lake to public use. This includes closure of the Leber Lane trailhead and the popular hike from the trailhead to Dickerson Falls. We apologize for the inconvenience this causes and appreciate everyone’s cooperation in protecting the safety of our community. We plan to reopen the tree farm once fire hazard conditions improve, most likely following significant rainfall.


Please contact Mark Mauren, Chief Operating Officer of Ueland Tree Farm, at or (253) 307-5900.



Craig and Nicole Ueland

September 11, 2020


Ueland Tree Farm is Temporarily Closed

Due to

Extreme Fire Danger

Monday, January 20, 2020

Ueland Tree Farm’s 10th Annual Plant Salvage Weekend

Hi Folks,

Ueland Tree Farm warmly welcomes you to take part in our upcoming annual plant salvage weekend on February 29rd and March 1st

A wide variety of small native trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants will be available for salvage, including Douglas Fir, Western White Pine, Western Hemlock, Western Red Cedar, Rhododendron, Salal, Huckleberry, Oregon Grape, and Sword Fern. We will once again partner with Kitsap Master Gardeners, who will be on hand to answer questions about transplanting native plants. They will provide advice on how to dig, where to plant and how to improve the survival of salvaged natives.

Ueland Tree Farm will be open Saturday February 29th and Sunday March 1st from 9:00am to 3:00pm. Hopefully we will not have to deal with the snow this year like last year :) The tree farm is located just northwest of Kitsap Lake (City of Bremerton) at the end of Lebers Lane. A detailed map can be found on our web site,

If you have any questions, please contact Mark Mauren at (253) 307-5900.

Mark and Craig