Thursday, March 30, 2023

Chico Creek Culvert Replacement/Fish Passage Project

Hi Folks,

As you may be aware, the DOT Chico Creek Fish Barrier project is underway. The
project started in March 2021 and is expected to be largely complete by the end of this
year. The current phase (tentatively scheduled for March-July) requires moving large
quantities of fill material that is covering the soon-to-be-removed Highway 3 culvert.

This has resulted in higher than normal truck traffic on Kitsap Lake Rd, Northlake Way
and Werner Rd.

Here is additional information about the project:

  • Chico Creek is one of the most productive Salmon streams in Kitsap County.
  • One of the major fish barriers on Chico Creek is the Highway 3 Chico Creek culvert.
  • The primary objective of the project (and also a legal requirement) is to remove the Chico Creek culvert and restore the stream channel so salmon can more freely migrate upstream.
  • Clean fill is being hauled to the closest permitted fill site, which is Kitsap Quarry.
  • Currently, most loaded trucks should take Hwy 3 to Werner Road en route to Kitsap Quarry. Most empty trucks will return via Kitsap Lake Rd to Northlake and back to the project site.
  • This traffic pattern may change again as the project moves from removing clean fill from the southbound lanes to the northbound lanes.
  • As is typical of major construction projects, the number of trucks will vary from day to day and week to week.

If you have questions regarding the project, please contact Amy Amos (DOT Project
manager) at

SR 3, Chico Creek and Tributary -
Remove Fish Barriers Project

Contract summary
The purpose of this project is to replace existing fish barrier crossings for Chico Creek
and an Unnamed Tributary to Chico Creek with fish passable structures. The barriers
are located at SR 3 MP 40.96, SR 3 southbound off-ramp to Chico Way, SR 3
southbound on-ramp, and an SR 3 maintenance access road. The project shall include,
but is not limited to, the following:

  • Design and construction of fish passable water crossing structures, including allassociated stream restoration. 
  • Providing design documentation in support of the environmental review (SEPA/NEPA) process in which WSDOT is the lead entity.
  • Acquiring environmental permits as an authorized agent of WSDOT.
  • Other elements include (but are not limited to) embankment, grading, paving, storm drainage, signage, illumination, erosion control, and planting.

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